To call Japan with coins, the minimum fee is 30
pence and you would get 12 seconds for this. For
each further 10p you get 6 seconds. This rate
applies all the time.
If you use a credit/debit card there is a connection
fee of £1 for each call and the call will be charged
at £1.43per minute. This rate is all the time.
Some of our payphones have internet to send emails
and texts instead of making a call.
1. An instant email (no need to subscribe to an
account) costs 20p per message.
『@ インスタントE-mail(ログインの必要のない)なら、1メッセージにつき20ペンス(約40円)』相手には、自分のE-mailアドレスではなく、BTのPayphoneからだと分かるようなアドレスが表示されるのでしょうね。
2. If you use a personal web based email account
you are charged £1 minimum fee for up to 15 minutes,
and then each 10p gives you 90 seconds.
3. You can also send an SMS text for 10p